Scott River Valley


  • Basin Name
  • Scott River Valley
  • Basin Number
  • 1-005
  • SGMA Basin Priority
  • Medium
  • Critically Overdrafted
  • No
  • Hydrologic Region Name
  • North Coast
  • Counties
  • Siskiyou
  • Adjacent Basins
  • No items found


Located in California’s North Coast hydrologic region, the Scott River Valley is 63,831 acres. This Medium priority basin is home to an estimated 3,520 people (2010 value). Groundwater accounts for approximately 62 percent of the basin’s water supply.

Source: CA DWR
Source: CA DWR

Basin Notes

Scott River Adjudication / (83% of the basin non-adjudicated)

2003: Bulletin 118 basin description

2014: CASGEM Basin Prioritization note: “GW Basin contributes to surface water flow in the Scott River which supports an threatened/endangered salmon. Adjudicated basin. Currently being reviewed for Public Trust issues regarding GW management.”

2016: California WaterBlog (UC Davis) on stream-groundwater interaction

2017: Scott River Stream System Annual Report 

2018: CASGEM Basin Prioritization note: “Complex GW management issues involving the basin hydrology, pumping adjudications law suits to reduce the impacts on Scott River and associated fisheries.”

Basin Prioritization: Medium

2022: Groundwater Sustainability Plan submitted to DWR

2023: DWR approves GSP 4/27/23